Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2008
Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2008
Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2008
Gerettet! Reborn Puppe lebt (nicht)!
Australische Polizisten "retten" Baby-Puppe aus Auto:Boing Boing"The Courier Mail in Australia reports that police saw one of these reborns in a locked car and, thinking it was a real kid, broke the window to save it: reborn-brat.jpg Frantic police smashed a window to rescue a seemingly unconscious baby from a locked vehicle in Queensland last week only to find it was an extremely lifelike doll. The embarrassing mistake, made in regional Gympie, is not an isolated incident and passionate creator of the "reborn" baby dolls Vynette Cernik knows just how easily they can be mistaken for the real thing. Ms Cernik said last week's case of mistaken identity mirrored a similar incident in the US when the window of a new Hummer was broken by police trying to rescue a "baby" that turned out to be a doll belonging to the owner's wife.Frantic rescue effort saves doll, not baby"
Freitag, 11. Juli 2008
Hamburg meets Bielefeld!
Uiuiui...werantwortungselite ist jetzt bei BieleBlogs gelistet (Danke @Bateman)...Im Herzen bin ich ja sowieso Bielefelder und auch noch oft da (alle 2 Wochen mindestens)!
Viel Spass auf dem Siggi!
Geh ich an die Elbe oder an die Alster?
Viel Spass auf dem Siggi!
Geh ich an die Elbe oder an die Alster?
Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2008
Dienstag, 1. Juli 2008
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